Matcha tea and Matcha latte are in the past, now on the wave of trends is Four Reasons Matcha Bleach – a new bleach that combines contemporary technologies with impressive bleaching power. What can a tea specialty, nearly a thousand years old, offer to salons? Four Reasons’ educator, Jasmin Hurskainen, discusses the features and possibilities of use for this new product.

What is Matcha Bleach?
“Four Reasons Matcha Bleach is a trendy new product for modern bleaching. The ingredients of the bleaching powder take bleaching to a new level, and its composition is well-suited for a variety of techniques,” Jasmin explains.
Matcha Bleach contains fermented hyaluronic acid and green tea extract that could make others green with envy. These ingredients help maintain the moisture balance of the hair and protect it during bleaching.
Matcha Bleach chelates impurities from the hair and keeps the bleaching mass stable during the process, making work more reliable and precise.
“The unique green shade of the bleaching powder comes from green tea and is pleasing to the eye but does not affect the final colour of the hair at all,” Jasmin states.
Customers wish for easy maintenance
According to Jasmin, today’s bleaching trends emphasize low maintenance techniques. “Customers want colouring results that are easy to maintain and look good between salon visits,” she says. Therefore, both naturally soft colours and various types of highlights will increasingly recur in customers’ requests.
Consistency and unique speed open up countless possibilities
Due to its consistency, Matcha Bleach is especially suitable for various types of highlighting, such as teased highlights or babylights.
For those doing highlights, it’s important that the bleaching mass stays firmly in place: “Matcha Bleach’s mass does not swell, making it excellent for foil highlights. Its soft, creamy consistency is easy to work with, which makes it perfect for free-form hair coloring techniques, like balayage,” Jasmin hints.
Because of its bleaching stability, Jasmin encourages trying Matcha Bleach also for full head lightening: “A stable bleaching process gives the stylist a longer working time and more even results.”

Get to know it! 4 Reasons to choose Matcha Bleach
#1 Lightens up to 9 levels
#2 Chelates and protects hair
#3 Cream-like consistency
#4 Dust-free and fragrance-free