A salon’s product selection holds more significance than you’d initially think.
The products used and sold at a salon communicate a surprising number of things that are relevant to, for example, customers who are looking for a new salon. The product selection speaks volumes about the salon’s values, price level, style and how closely the salon follows new trends – and, surprisingly often, the personal tastes of the salon’s owner.

What kind of message does the product selection of your salon send to the customer? Go over the list below and consider whether your selection could use an update! It’s also good to pause every now and then and make sure that you’re not hanging on to stock that isn’t selling for one reason or another.
What kind of hair stylist are you? Does your salon focus on straightforward wash-and-go hairstyles, do you do multicolored highlights or do you specialize in hairdos? Do you only use the products that are absolutely necessary for doing your job or do you like to get a little fancy with them? Would you like to always have new and interesting products around to recommend to your customers as a pioneer in the industry?
Supply your washing station with products from your product shelf that are also available for purchase by customers. Always tell your customer which washing and styling products you’re using and why you chose that specific product for them. Don’t forget to also draw their attention to the lovely scent of the product – or its refreshing lack of fragrance.
It is important to use the products you sell in your own work as it shows the customer that you trust these products. By using the products on a daily basis you’ll also be able to explain their properties in a natural manner and give tips on using them.
Studies show that customers expect their stylist to give them more information and recommendations on products that would suit them, so telling them about the products is not being pushy, it’s good customer service! And when a customer treats their newly color treated hair at home with the products you recommended and gets to enjoy their vibrant color for longer, they’ll be happy to pay your salon another visit because they feel that they’ve gotten their money’s worth.
Consider the customers you get at your salon. What products do they usually buy and at what price range? If your salon is located in a town full of students, there is likely a demand for different and bolder products than in a salon whose customer base consists primarily of the residents of the nursing home next door and their nurses who avoid fragrances due to their work.
If your customers aren’t buying hair products from you, what could be the reason? Is the price too high for them or is your selection missing suitable products? What’s the point of a sleek but over-priced product line if nobody is buying from it? Products with the right price tag will find their buyer. By introducing a less expensive product line into your selection, you just might be surprised by the increase in sales.
If product sales haven’t played a central role in your salon before, choose a straightforward and easy line such as Four Reasons Original to help your customers get used to buying hair products at your salon. Once your customers are used to buying their hair products from you, you can expand your selection and also begin recommending other and perhaps more expensive product lines.

Salon Smile Pori, image: Jenna Peltonen
Once you’ve used and talked about the products throughout the salon visit, recommended products that are right for the customer and instructed them on using them, it’s very likely that the customer will want to take the products home.
A smart product selection that has been tailored to the size and needs of your salon lets you serve all your customers without tying your finances to products that are gathering dust on the shelf.
Place your product shelf somewhere that is easily accessible by customers. Make sure the shelf is always adequately stocked, as a well-stocked shelf is attractive and nobody wants to buy the last bottle! Many people find it difficult to bring up the topic of price, but clear price tags take care of this problem and keep customers from having to wonder how much they’ll be charged at the counter.
It will be easier for you and your salon staff to adopt and commit to recommending a small selection of products tailored to the needs of your salon. The products that are used and recommended at your salon will be sold regularly. You can rest assured that your customers use the right products at home and generate additional sales for you. Once your customers learn to trust your product recommendations, they might pop by between salon visits to restock – bringing in extra revenue!