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Our favorite f-words: fabulous, fierce, and functional, but what else does Four Reasons have to offer?

18.8.2021, Meri

We take our role as a beauty industry rebel seriously, and we know that it is our responsibility to act up from time to time in order to live up to that title. So we are proud to share our favorite f-words, for which we take full responsibility.

As you already know, we love to make fabulous and functional products, but the bottles and packaging only scrape the surface of what Four Reasons is truly about – and what we hope to be. The next question is: what is Four Reasons – for real? Check out our all-time favorite f-words below, meaning 4 + 1 phrases that best describe the true essence of Four Reasons.



Sustainability, ethicality, and animal rights are close to our heart. The content of each Four Reasons product is 100% vegan, which means that none of our products contain animal-based ingredients.

What are vegan cosmetics exactly? Animal-based ingredient can be used in cosmetics for their conditioning and repairing qualities that add sheen to the hair as well as to change the product consistency. But they are not necessary and there are other alternative ingredients. Animal-based ingredients can be replaced with synthetic or natural ingredients. In 2018, we set a goal to make all our products vegan. In 2020, we stopped using animal-based products, and since then, our new products have been vegan – yay!

All the renewed Four Reasons product packaging is marked with BTW, I’m vegan or 100% vegan that assure you that the product is vegan.

Animal testing has been banned for all cosmetics in the EU since 2009. We do not use animal testing on our products or ingredients.



We only select the best ingredients for our products. We love our ingredients so much that we quintupled their amount in the Four Reasons Original product line during its renewal. Our objective is to only use ingredients that you can benefit from and that are essential in terms of the functionality of the product. For this reason, you won’t find anything extra in our products, such as unnecessary colorants.

Our products are not only vegan, effective and safe but they also smell delicious. The exception to this, of course, is the Four Reasons No Nothing product line, made for you who need a break from all the fragrances – and all the extra.



Our appearance is a very small part of us – what’s more important is what goes on in our head and how we treat others. We encourage people to direct their attention from the exterior towards the internal attributes and to see themselves as a whole – a great person who is worthy of love, respect, and acceptance just the way they are.

With our packaging and communication, we want to remind you that you are fabulous – with your perfect imperfections. None of us is perfect, and we want to celebrate this fact. This is why we aim to share relatable and fun content that provides something for everyone in our channels. Whether it’s an Instagram post or a back of an Original bottle, the message is there to empower you and – let’s be honest – to make you laugh a bit. We do, however, have a bigger goal in mind too: to break the narrow mold of beauty and fix the biggest problem in the industry, that is the unrealistic ideals of beauty.

We also want to be able to be imperfect ourselves and to admit that everything doesn’t always go to plan, and you can’t achieve everything at once. We are all on a learning path, and if we wish for something, it’s that learning would never end! Despite this, we have achieved a lot already:

• We are respectful to everybody

• We take all people equally into account when creating new products

• We fight for the little guys

• In our catalogue, we use diverse models that are fabulously beautiful in their own way ,and at least in one of which everyone can see themselves represented. This is continuous work, however, and we can admit that we are not done yet. Follow our website and our other channels to see the fruit of our labor!

• We do not edit our pictures for fabulous imperfections

We want to help people see their unique and great features, get rid of their hair trouble, and boldly be themselves.

Read more about us as a company here!



The rebels that we are, we decided to turn green into pink. We are not talking about the color choices for our shampoo bottles but about something entirely different: for us pink means being vegan and local, sustainable packaging and products that have been made for the F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S you.

For example, all Four Reasons Original shampoo and haircare products are made from vegan ingredients and manufactured in Finland at our factory that uses 100% renewable energy. Each Four Reasons Original and Four Reasons No Nothing packaging is made from recyclable bio-based sugarcane plastic, significantly reducing the product’s carbon footprint.

All our products are as environmentally friendly as is currently possible without compromising the properties, effectiveness and quality of the product and packaging. For example, the products of Four Reasons Color Mask product line are not made of recycled or bio-based material, because so far there is no packaging material to replace virgin plastic that would be able to contain the product’s color pigments as effectively. We keep an eye out for better solutions for our packaging, and luckily, they are being developed rapidly even as we speak.


#5 WINNER (this word doesn’t start with an F, but we encourage everyone to be imperfect)

While making the most sustainable hair products possible means daily learning (and there is still a lot of work to be done), it is sometimes a good idea to stop to celebrate successes and wins. So, let’s celebrate!

Year 2020

#1 We replaced the packaging material of 57 products with bio-based, recyclable sugarcane plastic.

#2 We replaced the packaging boxes leaving our warehouse with cardboard, 75% of which is recycled material. In addition, we changed the packing tape from plastic to paper.

#3 We took part in the Mielinauha fundraising organized by MIELI Mental Health Finland that maintains national crisis helplines.

#4 We achieved one of our main goals: Four Reasons products were renewed to be 100% vegan.

Read more about sustainability here.


Now it’s time to head towards new goals and new f*****s.


Meri on kuluttajamarkkinointitiimin idearikas ja lahjakas sisältömarkkinoija, joka ei koskaan missaa deadlinea mutta yllättää luovuudellaan. Aina tyylikäs ajatustenlukija heittäytyy täysillä jokaiseen projektiin ja on jo hoitanut homman, kun muut vasta suunnittelee.